Product Description
A central money clip has eliminated the cash area to make your wallet even thinner. Reducing layers of material, the money clip makes it super easy to thumb through your cash right in the middle of your wallet. There are multiple card slots for plastic and you have one of the smallest imprint sized bi-fold wallets in the world--barely the outline of the cash. Holds 15-20 plastic cards and you can fit this thin compact bi-fold wallet in any small pocket you desire--shirt, front or back pants pocket, suit pockets or under your hat. It's only 1/4" thin on the spring end and 1/8" on the thinner outside side when empty. Pull the middle metal spring area out and machine wash the rest of it just for kicks on a Sunday afternoon. *** CARE FOR YOUR ACROBAT SPRING TENSION CLIP!!! *** All money clips of this type, regardless of manufacturer, are made of a few parts. If you slide the clip out of its nylon sheath you most likely will notice that the bottom 1/3 of the clip is loose. Tighten it up periodically (I liken this to when someones glasses get loose and one needs to give the two screws on either side a quick tighten) to keep the tension. But DO NOT unscrew the clip unless you are in a place where you cannot lose the two internal parts which are a small spring on top of a small ball bearing!! With this information your Acrobat Money Clip Wallet should last you a very long time.
- 1 extra-wide exterior clear ID pocket
- 2 extra-wide credit card pockets
- 2 extra-wide extra-deep credit card storage pockets
dimensions: 4 1/16" wide x 3" tall (10.5 cm x 7.7 cm)
only ⅛" (4 mm) thin when empty!